Finished cigarette packaging equipment
Background of finished cigarette packaging equipment:
In the tobacco industry, the sealing and stability of whole box packaging have always been major challenges for export transportation. Especially for cigarette products that need to be shipped overseas by sea, humidity changes during long-distance transportation often cause packaging to become damp, seriously affecting product quality and brand image. However, the lack of specialized full box packaging equipment for this demand in the market makes it difficult for tobacco factories to maintain the quality of exported products. Therefore, developing a full box packaging equipment that can efficiently solve the problem of packaging moisture while meeting the requirements of logistics stability and efficiency has become an urgent need in the industry.
In response to the aforementioned industry challenges, SINOGYE has launched an easy-to-use and open solution for eardrum pack equipment, specifically designed for tobacco export transportation, to fill the industry gap with breakthrough technological solutions.
Difficulties in the control system of finished cigarette packaging equipment:
1. Temperature control
2. Multi axis motion control
3. Multiple parallel communication buses
4. Remote maintenance
5. Stability of control system
6. Function and performance of the controller
7. High real-time performance
Control system architecture:
Characteristics of SINSEGYE's solution:
1.Easy-to-use & Strong scalability
-Rich communication protocols. Supports multiple industrial communication protocols such as DeviceNet, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, Modbus, OPC UA, and self-developed fast ACP communication. Facilitate the expansion of system structure and integration with upper level systems.
-Support development language programming defined by IEC61131-3 standard.
-The embedded rich feature library greatly improves programming efficiency.
-Provide a visual programming environment to shorten the development cycle of customer projects.
-Data Analysis: Provides DataScope oscilloscope software for displaying and analyzing variables in automated systems in a graphical manner. Greatly convenient for customers to analyze various application requirements.
-IO version management: For various IO brands and different slave stations, IO version management functions can be provided, allowing customers to easily manage multiple models with the same program. Support EtherCAT and DeviceNet slave management
2. Efficiency improvement
-The minimum single axis control cycle is 125us.
-The production cycle has been increased from 60S/2 packs to 60S/3 packs.